Monday, November 15, 2010

The latest...

So... it looks like the last time I updated the blog was for the 'Back to School Drive'. A lot has happened since then. We collected schools supplies, clothing and volunteered for "Treehouse for Kids" on a Saturday afternoon. We also gathered together on one of our GNO nights to make 130 fleece hats, scarves and collect blankets, sleeping bags, coats, gloves and all things warm for the Union Gospel Mission. Our last event was 'Shelter Helper' where we collected pet food and supplies for Seattle's Humane Society. We were also very lucky to have our good friend, Chris Biega of Biega Construction, come speak to the group about tools, how to use them, contractors, permits and other super useful information on how to be a Ms. Fix-it!

I'm already working on 2011 ideas which include having my mechanic give us ladies a talk about general car maintenance, doing some stream rehabilitation/clean-up work, maybe a bicycle tune-up class and asking Biega to come back and talk about power tools! I'm thinking that some gardening topics would be great too and possibly getting an arborist in to teach us how to properly prune trees and bushes. The topics are endless...

Our next event is the third annual "Toys for Tot's" party at the studio on 12/2/10. It's a pot-luck event and admission to the festivities is either new, unwrapped toys for the tots and/or non-perishable food donations for Northwest Harvest.

On our January 11th meet-up, we will discuss our 'sharities' for the year. If you are interested in joining us, send me a note!

Happy holidays!
Do good things,

1 comment:

party supplies said...

Great discuss the details with qualities,Keep it up! Good luck for the future success of this blog.