Thursday, September 3, 2009

GNO: Food round up for Providence Regina House

Hi Ladies,

Recently, we made a drop off to the Regina House in South Park of school supplies that Kathryn, Teri & I gathered up. Paige, the director, put a call out on the Georgetown Listserve of an urgent need for backpacks and supplies. She had promised 100 backpacks full of goodies based on a corporate donation. Needless to say, the company was only able to come through w/25, so she sent out a 911 to the community. GNO was able to help fill the need AND we found a great recipient for many of our causes! The Providence Regina House helps out the community members of the South Park area. Many of them are lower income and could use a little extra help. They will take clothing, household items, food, baby goods, etc. They get their food donations from NW Harvest, so unless anyone has any objections, I'm for dropping the food off directly at Regina House. It's in our 'hood yo!

Here's the info:

Coming up on Tuesday is our next meeting. Still focusing on food donations, so if you want to clean out your pantry, hit the grocery outlet, or have some fresh veggies from your garden, bring it on down Tuesday night and on Wednesday we'll drop it off.

I'm not sure how to set the FB thing up so everyone can see all the responses. If you know, then let me know! Also, I think I opened this group up so you can invite people. Some of you have mentioned wanting to invite some interested friends, so it should be open to do that. Keep in mind the focus of the group when you extend your invitations. We are here to have fun, catch up with old friends, make new ones, relax, have an evening away from work, house, spouse, kids, etc... and as a side effect... do something great for the community.

Let me know if you are coming Tuesday night. Feel free to bring something to contribute... like a snack or beverage or whatever?


Here is another tid bit of information about a volunteer opportunity coming up too. This sounds like it would be fun for the GNO's to show up and do a mass volunteer attack! Let's discuss on Tuesday!

My name is Kerrie Carbary and I am the West Region coordinator for Volunteer Chore Services, a program of Catholic Community Services. Our organization provides volunteer help to low-income seniors and disabled adults so that they may continue to live independently. We serve clients throughout King County who are eagerly awaiting volunteer help. Volunteers provide free in-home assistance with tasks like light housework, yard work, and shopping.

Currently, I’m working with a low-income apartment building in Georgetown. Many residents of this apartment building are chronically ill, disabled, or seniors in poor health, and they are in a great need of just a little extra help to be able to continue to live independently.

One gentleman living in this building has no family or friends to help him while he’s trying to recover from Cancer treatments. He's also working through depression due to his illness. He’s frustrated with his low levels of energy due to his medications and treatments, and wishes that he could keep up with his own housework, but he finds that he could use a little extra help. He’s a charming, friendly man who likes to go outside to drink his cup of coffee in the morning. He used to love to ride his bicycle, but now he’s too frightened to go because he’s worried he’ll get too tired to make it back home.

Another resident has a great attitude about life even though she’s recently had to have yet another lung surgery, and is getting chemotherapy for lung cancer. She can only currently lift 7 pounds due to her recent surgery, which makes it very difficult for her to go grocery shopping, take care of her tiny apartment, and do other day-to-day tasks. She hopes for a volunteer who will be willing to use "green cleaning" recipes for cleaning, because she and her cat are both sensitive to chemicals. She’s fun to visit with and could greatly benefit from a couple of hours of help and conversation.

There are several other individuals with stories like these in this one building. I’d like to offer you the chance to join with me in creating a small group of volunteers to visit this apartment building and help with some light housework. I know that they’d be extremely grateful and we could get so much accomplished with just a few hours of work.

This is an excellent opportunity for Georgetown residents to interact with their neighbors while providing essential services to enable these members of our community to remain living independently in their homes. Volunteers choose the day, time and location for their service. They could provide a much-needed service such as vacuuming a small apartment or making a bed or even simply visiting.

If you’re interested in working together on this community involvement opportunity, or if you know of anyone interested in volunteering one on one, please let me know. I’d also be happy to visit your offices, come to a meeting, or bring by some flyers and other information about Volunteer Chore Services.

I can be reached at or 206-328-6858. I look forward to working with you.

Thank you so much for your time and all that you do for the community.


Kerrie Carbary

Kerrie Carbary
West Region Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Chore Services
Catholic Community Services
100 - 23rd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98144
206-328-6858 --
fax: 206-324-4835

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