Monday, October 6, 2008

ART ROUNDUP: October 14th!

Hey GNO's,

Well the next GNO gathering is coming up on October 14th and I'm sounding the alarm! Remember... we are focusing on the arts for kids and youth. Check out the links below and see what they need, what you have, and what you can share. The goal is to inspire, promote, encourage and feed the need to be creative. Let's give these kids the tools to express themselves with their naturally born talents.

Here are just a few organizations to check out. Please add others that we should all know about. They all need help fueling the arts!

Same place, same time. Bring a friend and a bottle of wine.

FYI: for those living in a cave... if you don't know already, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breasts are one thing we all have in common, so lets get active and take part like our fellow GNO's! Let's give a big shout out to Patrice, Michelle & Melinda who did the 3-day breast cancer walk! Way to go ladies. Share your stories when we gather up on Tuesday!

Speaking of boobs... check this out! You can actually help breast cancer research by signing up to participate in studies. I did!

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