Remember when we did the "Back-to-School" drive? Well, we received some awesome rolling backpacks w/Disney themes and figured the Make-A-Wish Foundation could put these to good use for all of the Disney trips they fulfill. Jennie & I dropped them off to Jeni and her Make-A-Wish team. They were really grateful for the contributions. Big shout out to Casandra for tapping her resources! Those two big suitcases are packed full of backpacks.
The Art Roundup was last night. We collected a lot of art supplies and even have Patrice's flute to find a good home for. I actually found my old airbrush and am hoping someone will have fun getting creative with it.
A local Georgetown resident who has a non-profit child & family therapy service has an open-studio art group for the kids in her agency. I made contact with her and she'll be by Monday to pick up all of your sharitable contributions and will put them to good use right away!
Mickie outdid herself with strawberries, cream and brown sugar. As if that wasn't delectable enough, she had to add brownies to the mix. Thank you for the goodies! We had great snacks, good wine & beer, and excellent conversations.
Patrice has started knitting hats! She is working her fingers to the bone, mastering her newly found craft and plans on selling them for next year's 3-day breast cancer walk. Sign up to buy one or two!
Saundra announced the Shoptoberfest in Issaquah this weekend, 10/18 from 4-8pm. Here is the address if you want to get some good buys and a jump start on the holidays: 1700 NW Gilman Blvd., Suite 300.
Our next GNO is November 11th. Focus is Help the Homeless and Working Women's Wardrobe.
Needs for the homeless: Blankets, Coats, Sleeping Bags, Sleeping Pads, etc.
Needs for Women getting back to the workplace: Smart dress clothes, blouses, skirts, shoes, jewelery, purses. You get the idea.
Thanks again ladies! Good work. Bring a friend and make new ones!