Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Project Cool and Treehouse For Kids: Well received

Results are in and everyone attending the last GNO on 8/26 all received Gold Stars! Treehouse For Kids (http://www.treehouseforkids.org/) received their backpacks and school supplies on Friday 8/29. Reports state that the day before the GNO 'Sharity' donation, about 200+ needy kids had been "shopping" for school supplies. Our drop off came just in time to replenish stock for more kids.

Mickie & Teri's investigative research found out that in the Spring, Treehouse collects housewares (small appliances, plates, towels, linens, etc.) for young adults flying the coop and heading away to college or their own apartments. Keep that in mind as you come across re-purposable items in your household and locate the nearest donation station (or contact us and we'll make it happen).

Jennie and I met Victoria from Project Cool (http://www.homelessinfo.org/cool.html) yesterday. She stopped by the studio to pick up backpacks, school supplies and down vests. Project Cool helps homeless kids get started right in school. Victoria works her tail off helping these families and has to drive all around Puget Sound since most of them don't have tranportation to get to the help they need. Check out their web site and see how you can help.

Victoria was really grateful about the donations and is going to mention our group in the annual report. Good job ladies! We still have some things for the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the West Seattle Helpline. I'll let you know how it goes when the drop is made.

Sidenote: looking at the wish list for Make-a-Wish, they have some needs in there that a few of you may be interested in helping with... particularly graphic design services. Check it out...